Whxn you arx txmptxd to takx a day off without notifying your managxr and you think that thx absxncx of onx pxrson won't makx too much diffxrxncx. You placx your managxr in thx samx position as a fxllow trying to typx with onx kxy missing. Hx can makx substitutions just as wx have donx, but thx rxsult is nxvxr thx samx as whxn hx's working with thx right pxoplx on thx right jobs.
I was looking for the source where I got this little note to see who was the author, unfortunately I cannot recall which book was that. I had pasted this one in my table handwritten, 5 or maybe 6 years ago to set as reminders for me while at work.
At first I cannot decipher the role of X in every word. As I go further I noticed that there was a substitution for the purpose of letting us know that one's value cannot be substituted nor imitated by other fellows. Nobody can stand on our own shoe.
As an individual we should work responsibly and honestly . I have observed how competitive people had become nowadays. They want an immediate success, an instant richness and an unpredictable behavior just to be....noticed! Have they worked? Does the amount paid for them compensate with the amount of time they spent working?
But then life's just like that: do what is good, then you will be blessed; do what isn't so good and still you will be blessed despite the odds, the only risk is that people around you might lose their trust and respect for you. Well, do good anyway!!
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