Wednesday, October 12, 2011

       A few months back we were observing that Indian mango tree in front of our house, there is something on its bark that develop naturally and had attract our attention. That old bark become so black and has distorted its natural look.We knew then that we could make something out of it. Using our knife, we started to scrape the rotten bark slowly only to discover that there were something beneath it, not just one..or two, many of them! We intruded over their dwelling place..I knew them..I have seen many of them but not more than three together.
      In our dialect, we call them "ALALASO" - a hairy and itchy insects. When they reach your skin it would immediately swell and a feeling of uneasiness for 30 minutes or more. I was horrified, but then my husband wanted that bark so much and so without further complaining I just enjoy the feeling of being near with that crawling creepies !

 I also included the unfinished products out of the old bark we got from that tree.

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