Tuesday, October 4, 2011

         I accidentally stumbled along an article about "Ulasimang Bato" ( in our vernacular language, "pansit- pansitan"). I have seen many of them before and most often ignore them. For me then, it was just another ordinary weed. Most of the time they mixed with other weeds around the area.
        My opinion regarding this plant changed eventually after reading from Health and Home journal some  wonderful benefits from this plant.It contains  carbohydrates, protein, fat, calcium, phosphorous, iron, betacarotene and ascorbic acid.This should really be a part of our everyday diet.Aside from this nutritional facts, it can possibly cure arthritis, gout, skin boils, abscesses and even pimples, kidney problems, convulsion and headache.
       Such a wonderful tiny heart- shaped plants.
        This morning when everyone seems to be busy for their breakfast preparation,  I had my time to walk around my collection of plants and was inspire to see these pansit- pansitan thriving in most of my pots!! They look healthy and shiny.They seem to be delicious.I have read and heard that some were already aware of this plant and included it in their daily meal..argh! What makes my fear is that it may just look- a like of the real thing that others are claiming to be nutritious and really edible.But someday I wish to try and prepare salad out of it making use of the recipe below which I also got from the same source.
1 small bowl washed fresh ulasimang bato leaves
1/2 cup thinly sliced fresh tomatoes
1/2 small piece chopped white onion
1 big calamansi fruit juice
2 medium slices chopped ripe mango(optional)
1/4 cup shredded fresh radish(optional)
Sugar to taste
Salt to taste
Black pepper to taste
Just like other salads that I used to prepare, all the ingredients just have to be  mixed .

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